Biest, Hans (Jan) van der
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Related works of art
Collaborated on
- Candid/Biest: Die Otto-von-Wittelsbach-Teppiche; Teppichwirker
- Candid/Biest: Die zwölf Monate, Vier Jahreszeiten, Tag und Nacht; Teppichwirker
- Candid/Biest: Groteskenteppiche; Teppichwirker
Basic data
Flämischer Teppichwirker, geb. um 1550 in Enghien, gest. vor 1618 ebda., Gründer und Leiter der herzoglichen Manufaktur für Wandteppiche in München; vgl. AKL, Bd. X, S. 586.
External resources
Getty Union List of Artist Names (ULAN):
Virtual Internet Authority File (VIAF):
Occurrences in the text
This person is not mentioned in the text, but was explicitly added to the edition to augment the context of other records.