TEI download

The XML file that contains the basis for this edition can be downloaded in three different formats (without the scholarly annotations you will find in this edition):

  • Compact: A short syntax is used for the <rs> tags’ @key attributes.
    File size of the uncompressed TEI file ca. 12.8 MB.
  • Explicit: The <rs> tags’ @key attributes contain full URLs (some of which are also Semantic Web URIs, for instance those for Sandrart.net, for PND and GeoNames).
    File size of the uncompressed TEI file ca. 16.6 MB.
  • Without named entities: The roughly 60,000 <rs> tags used for marking occurrences of named entities have been removed in this file.
    File size of the uncompressed TEI document: ca. 8.4 MB.