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The official title of this online edition is as follows:
“Joachim von Sandrart: Teutsche Academie der Bau-, Bild- und Mahlerey-Künste, Nuremberg 1675–1680, Scholarly annotated online edition, ed. by T. Kirchner, A. Nova, C. Blüm, A. Schreurs and T. Wübbena, 2008–2012”
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Example: “TA 1675, Lebenslauf, S. 11,, 08/01/2012” - Single records in the bibliography or in the index of works of art, places or people:
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Example: “Database entry, 08/01/2012” - Bylined annotations:
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Example: “Annotation Christina Posselt dated 08/26/2011,, 08/01/2012”
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