Quintilianus, Marcus Fabius
Basic data
Röm. Rhetor, geb. um 35 n. Chr. im nordspanischen Calagurris, gest. 100 in Rom; vgl. Neue Pauly, Bd. X, Sp. 716–721.
External resources
Personennamendatei (PND):
Virtual Internet Authority File (VIAF):
Person’s record in the “Biographisch-Bibliographisches Kirchenlexikon”
Works in the “Digitalen Portraitindex” associated with this person
Occurrences in the text
TA 1675, II, Vorrede, S. 2
TA 1675, II, Buch 1 (antike Künstler), S. 42
TA 1679, I (Architektur), S. 58
“Plin. lib. XXXIV. cap. 5. Quintil. lib. I. cap. 7.”
Marginalia column or footnote
Marginalia column or footnote
TA 1679, III (Malerei), S. 9 [eigentlich S. 7]
Mentioned in annotations
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