Heckenauer, Leonhard

Basic data

Dt. Kupferstecher, geb. zwischen 1650 und 1660, gest. 1704 in München, Schüler von Bartholomäus Kilian, nach Italienaufenthalt v. a. in Augsburg tätig. Schuf Stiche für Joachim von Sandrarts lateinische Publikationen »Academia nobilissimae artis pictoriae« und »Admiranda sculpturae veteris«; vgl. Thieme-Becker, Bd. XVI, S. 210.


. . . Printmakers

External resources

Personennamendatei (PND): 122813871
Getty Union List of Artist Names (ULAN): 500084584
Virtual Internet Authority File (VIAF): 47014333
Works in the “Digitalen Portraitindex” associated with this person
Works in the “Virtuelles Kupferstichkabinett” associated with this person

Occurrences in the text

This person is not mentioned in the text, but was explicitly added to the edition to augment the context of other records.