Beatrizet, Nicolas
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Related works of art
Engraved / etched
- Beatrizet/Ligorio: Circus Maximus (Lafréry, Speculum Romanae)
- Beatrizet: Fries mit römischen Opferinstrumenten (»Frieze of Sacrificial Instruments«)
- Beatrizet: Kapitolinische Wölfin (»Lupa Capitolina«); vermutlich
Basic data
Kupferstecher, Kupferdrucker und Stichverleger aus Lothringen, geb. um 1507/15 in Thionville, gest. nach 1577 in Rom, tätig in Rom; vgl. AKL, Bd. VIII, S. 52-53.
External resources
Personennamendatei (PND):
Getty Union List of Artist Names (ULAN):
Works in the “Virtuelles Kupferstichkabinett” associated with this person
Occurrences in the text
This person is not mentioned in the text, but was explicitly added to the edition to augment the context of other records.
Mentioned in annotations
Der ab 1540 in Rom nachweisbare, aus Frankreich stammende Verl…