Kastor oder Polydeukes
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Is depicted by
- Sandrart: Alexander und Bucephalus (»Alessandro e Bucefalo«)
; So die Interpretation seit dem frühen 17. Jahrhundert; vgl. Bober/Rubinstein 1986, Nr. 125, S. 160
- Sandrart/Collin: Dioskuren auf dem Quirinal / »ALEXANDER M.« (TA 1675, Tafel f)
; So die Interpretation seit dem frühen 17. Jahrhundert; vgl. Bober/Rubinstein 1986, Nr. 125, S. 160
Basic data
Please note: This entry comprises several possible identifications of a person whose precise identity cannot be ascertained on this occasion.
Occurrences in the text
This person is not mentioned in the text, but was explicitly added to the edition to augment the context of other records.