Kneller, Johann Zacharias

Basic data

Artist whose vita was written by Sandrart.

Dt. Maler, geb. 1644 in Lübeck, gest. 1702 in London; vgl. Thieme-Becker, Bd. XX, S. 600.


. . . Painters

Religious denomination(s)

Protestant (?)
Protestantischer Bruder; vgl. ADB Eintrag zu J. Z. Kneller, Onlineausgabe/Index.

External resources

Personennamendatei (PND): 136091946
Getty Union List of Artist Names (ULAN): 500029982
Virtual Internet Authority File (VIAF): 26930013
Works in the “Digitalen Portraitindex” associated with this person

Occurrences in the text


TA 1679, III (Malerei), S. 78

TA 1679, III (Malerei), S. 78
“Gotfried und Johann Zacharias Kneller.”
Marginalia column or footnote