Freher, Marquard
Was author of
- Freher, Originum Palatinarum 1612–13 Group of publications
- Freher, Sapphirus Constantii 1602
- Freher, Originum Palatinarum 1612 (Teil 2)
Basic data
Jurist, Historiker, Publizist, Diplomat und Staatsmann, geb. 1565, gest. 1614; vgl. NDB, Bd. V, S. 392 f.
External resources
Personennamendatei (PND):
Virtual Internet Authority File (VIAF):
Person’s record in the “Deutsche Biographie”
Works in the “Digitalen Portraitindex” associated with this person
Occurrences in the text
TA 1679, II (Skulptur), S. 75
“Freherus lib. 1. Palat. Orig. cap. 16.”
Marginalia column or footnote
Marginalia column or footnote