Asselijn, Jan

Basic data

Artist whose vita was written by Sandrart.

Niederländischer Maler, geb. um 1610 in Dieppe, gest. 1652 in Amsterdam; vgl. AKL, Bd. V, S. 458 f.


. . . Painters

Religious denomination(s)

vgl. Steland-Stief 1971, S. 16.

External resources

Personennamendatei (PND): 118892959
Getty Union List of Artist Names (ULAN): 500017296
Works in the “Digitalen Portraitindex” associated with this person

Occurrences in the text


TA 1675, II, Buch 3 (niederl. u. dt. Künstler), S. 310

TA 1675, II, Buch 3 (niederl. u. dt. Künstler), S. 310
“CLXXVI. Hasselein/ sonst Krabetier Holländer.”
Marginalia column or footnote
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