Icones principum, virorum doctorum [...] numero centum ab Antonio van Dyck … (Group of publications)

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This record comprises several editions of a publication and merely serves as an editorial guide for for the linked subentries. It does not represent a real publication.

Basic data

Dyck, Anthonis van: Icones principum, virorum doctorum [...] numero centum ab Antonio van Dyck pictore ad vivum expressae ejusque sumptibus aeri incisae

Work compiled, quoted or translated in the “Teutsche Academie”.
It is uncertain, which edition of this book was used for the “Teutsche Academie”

Occurrences in the text

TA 1675, II, Buch 3 (niederl. u. dt. Künstler), S. 304
Sein grosses Contrafätenbuch.”
Marginalia column or footnote

Mentioned in annotations

Bereits Sponsel identifizierte den Porträtstich von Paulus Pon…
Lars Zieke, 05/17/2011

Bereits Sponsel identifizierte den Porträtstich in Van Dycks »…
Lars Zieke, 05/17/2011